Legacy Giving Society
We are grateful for the generosity of the following individuals whose legacy gifts will enable the Oakwood Schools Foundation to continue the work toward its mission for future generations to come.
Doug and Anne Almoney
Hank Burr
Steve and Molly Cobb
Charles E. Comer III
Harry and Marty Ebeling**
Irvin H. Harlamert*
Ruth Herman*
Jeff and Ellen Ireland
Barbara Nichols O’Hara
Barbara Mokrzycki Sanderson*
Rick and Jane Schwartz
George and Betsy Stavnitski**
Frank and Debbie (Byrd) Williams*
Bill and Carolyn T. Winger
*Denotes those who have passed.
An excellent way for you to support the Oakwood School’s Foundation’s continued work toward its mission is to leave a bequest in your will or living trust. One significant benefit of making a gift in your will or trust is that it allows you to continue to use the assets you will leave to charity during your lifetime. Another benefit is that you are able to leave a lasting and impactful legacy.
For more information on how to leave the Oakwood Schools Foundation a bequest in your will or living trust visit our Legacy/Bequest/Gift Planning page.
Contact Us
Please contact us if you have any questions about how to make a bequest to the Oakwood Schools Foundation or to request any additional information that might be helpful to you and your attorney as you consider making a bequest to support the Foundation and future generations of Oakwood students.